Violent Media

The story written by Gerald Jones "Violent media is good for kids" he attempts to prove that violent media helps children cope with feelings they find difficult to control. Jones also believes that violent media has a positive influence on children because "Through immersion in imaginary combat and identification with a violent protagonist, children engage the rage they’ve stifled, come to fear it less, and become more capable of utilizing it against life’s challenges.". Jones makes some good points. For example, he says that "The dual-identity concept at the heart of many superhero stories helps kids negotiate the conflicts between the inner self and the public self as they work through the early stages of socialization.". However, an attempt to prove this shouldn't be "We’ve found that every aspect of even the trashiest pop-culture story can have its own developmental function." as we know all cultures try to develop. All in all, to take a stand on whether or not violent media is bad or good for kids, is hard to say due to many things that can influence a child. Over the years parents have started to let their child play more bloody and gruesome games, so it is hard to say if the parent is to blame for violence or the game.
A tragic recent even was the mass shooting of  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fl. the mass shooting involved 17 dead and 15 injured. The weapon primarily used was an AR-15, which is a semi automatic rifle this weapon has been used many time in other recent shootings as well. The media has covered the shooting since the day it has occurred but is slowly being less talked of. The pictures shown of the victims are always shown smiling but for the shooter they never give a picture of them smiling. A reason they might show this is for the viewer to feel bad since they show the victim happy,and wonder how there lives may have been.


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